Azizur Rahman

A passionate Engineer who is looking to break in tech!

Who I am

I am Azizur Rahman, an undergraduate student at Queens College, graduating in Fall 2024. As a tech enthusiast, I am passionate about building innovative solutions, fostering creativity, and driving positive change. In addition to my academic and professional pursuits, I enjoy playing football and engaging in various recreational activities.


What I do

I am a dedicated web developer, currently working on impactful projects aimed at making a significant difference. As a HeadStarter AI Fellow Engineer, I thrive in an environment that fosters innovation and success, consistently building projects that push the boundaries of creativity and technology.


My Work

AI Image Generator

Technologies Used: React, JavaScript, OpenAI API, HTML, CSS

A React Application using JS that leverages OpenAI API to generate an AI image based on the users feedback.

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Full-stack Social Media App

Technologies Used: React, JavaScript, Node.js, ChakraUI, HTML, CSS, Firebase

Developed a fullstack social media application with React, Firebase, and other tech, building a responsive user-friendly interface.

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Task Management System

Technologies Used: React, Node.js, JavaScript, Firebase, HTML, CSS

A user authenticated Task management system application that uses calender to manage the users taks and save it.

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Say Hello.

Have any questions or have a project in mind to work on? Feel free to contact me below, I am always open to chat!